Monday, June 11, 2007

Build Day 3 and 4

Well, its been a few days since my last post and I have some catching up to do. First, this will be my first post from my new MacBook Pro. I gave myself an early treat for graduation since my sister will be wielding the PC to Duke for her MBA. She gets a deal on the laptop and it gave me an excuse to buy this. I'm lovin' it.

Now the board. I glued up the top planks together. I had a moment of panic when I first put them side by side. Two of the boards were very curved, enough that it left about a half inch gap between boards. I emailed Mike L. at Grain to get his take, but I trusted that if they sent them to me they were probably alright. I guess I didn't realize how pliable wood can be. As soon as I got them in the clamps they were fine. I've included pictures just to give everyone an idea. I also read on a blog that someone suggested putting sandbags on the center of the strapping to keep them flat. I didn't really see a need to, but I threw a 30lb bag of soil on top just in case

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